Enagás Renovable and Genia Bioenergy promote The Green Vector, a collaborative platform for the development of biomethane plants in Spain.
The Green Vector, a platform to promote the development of biomethane production from organic waste from agriculture, livestock, the food industry and municipalities.
The Green Vector platform is a vector for change in the current energy model, bringing together its strategic partners in a common goal: the ecological transition.
Who are the vectors of change?
Who moves the waste?
Who generates the waste?
Who benefits from this waste recovery?
Who can contribute to the development of biomethane?
The players who move the waste are waste managers and composters.
The waste manager is the person or entity, public or private, that carries out any of the operations that make up waste management, whether or not they are the producer of the waste. As an alternative to landfill, they are committed to the recovery of non-hazardous organic waste as compost.
The composter recovers organic waste from industry, food, agriculture, livestock, sewage sludge, etc. for the agricultural sector by subjecting it to a treatment cycle to obtain fertilisers.
The partners that generate waste are mainly industry and waste generators and municipalities.
Industrial waste is waste resulting from the processes of manufacture, transformation, and use, including by-products of animal origin not intended for human consumption.
Municipal solid waste (MSW) is waste generated in the different areas of municipalities and cities. Managed by local authorities, this waste can be transformed into renewable and local energy for the population.
Agents consuming biomethane and organic amendments.
Biomethane, due to its composition and characteristics similar to those of natural gas, is a 100% renewable gas that can be injected directly into the gas system. It can therefore be used as an energy source in households, industry or as a biofuel for sustainable mobility.
Farmers can benefit from the circular economy of agricultural waste from the anaerobic digestion process by obtaining, in addition to biomethane, a by-product called digestate (of high quality for cultivation).
Society has an important role to play as a vector of change, and its commitment is vital for change to take place. Individual responsibility for waste separation and recycling contributes to working together for the environment, and is fundamental to making a global impact.
The administration plays an essential part in defining an ambitious and stable regulatory framework to promote activities related to waste and renewable gases, especially biomethane, facilitating, among other things, the processing of these projects.
The time has come to make biomethane
The Green Vector plans to implement more than 10 biomethane production plants by 2030 with the capacity to produce up to 1 TWh of renewable energy each year and to sustainably manage more than 1.5 million tonnes of waste, thus avoiding the emission of more than 1.8 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent into the atmosphere.
Get to know some of our projects:
An ongoing revolution in renewable gas production
This network of biogas and biomethane plants will use anaerobic digestion to manage organic waste from agriculture, livestock and the food industry, sewage sludge or OFMSW , converting it into renewable energy and organic fertiliser products. The projects developed will contribute to the decarbonisation of the economy by avoiding greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere and to the revitalisation of economic activity in rural áreas.
• Among the advantages of this renewable energy generation model is the integration of the interests of multiple players: it facilitates sustainable waste management for farmers, livestock farmers, industry and municipalities.
• It also offers an energy recovery solution to waste managers: creation of technological facilities for the production of renewable energy in rural areas, making it easier for different consumers (industries, households, automotive, etc.) to have access to gas of renewable origin while offering organic amendments to the agricultural sector. The latter would function as a precursor to rapidly absorbed organic fertilisers, which prevent contamination of soils and aquifers.
Driver Of Change
Biomethane as a driver of change to decarbonise the current energy model
Spain has the natural resources, capacities and means to become a sustainable country. Biomethane as a driver of change and energy source is key to the ecological transition according to the targets set for 2030.
The development of the current potential of biomethane plants from the agro-industrial sector, WWTP and MSW in Spain would be equivalent, for each one, to an estimated annual production of 40 GWh, an estimated investment of €12 M, 8 direct jobs and 10 indirect jobs generated per plant.
Biomethane plants in Europe vs Spain