Driver Of Change
The Green Vector unites technology and people in a common project as drivers of change for the development of sustainable energy.
Biomethane as a driver of change to decarbonise the current energy model
Biomethane – methane gas from renewable sources- is an energy that can be stored and transported through existing gas infrastructure and used when needed, without having to depend on solar or wind conditions. Once injected into the gas grid, it will allow different consumers, companies and/ or individuals to consume renewable gas.
Any consumer of fossil natural gas can be a biomethane consumer, as it is a 100% renewable gas with the same assimilable properties as natural gas.
Accordingly, The Green Vector project will allow industries, households and vehicles, both light and heavy transport, to have gas of renewable origin for their consumption, thus contributing to their decarbonisation.
Their use in transport will also help to meet the PNIEC target of a 28% share of renewable energy by 2030, as well as the European milestones for advanced biofuels penetration in fuels, which should reach 3.5% of the total by the same year.
Thanks to the development of new technologies, biomethane has become the most versatile renewable natural gas on the market.
Biomethane as a sustainable energy source
As an energy vector, biogas has been taken into account by the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, which has drawn up a “Roadmap” for this technology that includes 5 axes developed in 43 measures aimed at boosting the sector, of which 2 stand out in the short term: the creation of a system of guarantees of origin, similar to that of renewable electricity, so that consumers can distinguish biogas from conventional fossil gas, highlighting its sustainable origin; and the potential establishment of penetration targets, similar to those already in place for the promotion of biofuels.
The generation and use of biomethane will help achieve the goals of the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) 2021-2030, of the Long Term Strategy for a Modern, Competitive and Climate Neutral Spanish Economy in 2050 (ELP 2050) and is in accordance with Law 7/2021, of 20 May, on climate change and energy transition. At European level, the progress of biomethane is in line with the REPowerEU strategy and the European 2030 Framework on Energy and the Environment.
Spain is promoting biomethane as one of the energies of the future, due to the technical potential available in the country.
Uses and application of biomethane
Biomethane can be used directly for power generation, as vehicle fuel, in the form of compressed or liquefied natural gas or as a substitute for natural gas, both for domestic and industrial use.
2030 Targets
In the context of the European Green Deal, the EU has set itself the goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2050. As intermediate steps, the EU has committed itself to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030.
The Green Vector platform aims to contribute to:
In line with the Spanish Government’s Biogas Roadmap, the Integrated Strategic Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC),the Integrated Strategic Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC), the Long Term Decarbonisation Strategy (ELP 2050), the National Air Pollution Control Programme (PNCCA), and with the goals of the European REPowerEU strategy and the European 2030 Framework Energy and Environment. Among its contributions will be to reduce dependence on foreign energy and fossil fuels.
Through the creation of direct employment, but, above all, of ecosystems of activity around a circular economy that will help to settle the population and generate economic and employment opportunities based on the sustainable treatment of waste, energy generation and management and the use of fertiliser products for agricultura.
The reduction of emissions into the atmosphere, as each plant will treat an average of 150,000 tonnes of waste per year which, if sent to landfill, would emit large quantities of methane and other greenhouse gases. Each plant will avoid an average emission of 180,000 tonnes of CO2eq into the atmosphere each year.
The platform will also help to reduce reliance on inorganic, oil-based fertilisers and minimise the possibility of soil and water contamination from waste.
Benefits of renewable gases
The Green Vector is a tool available to society that brings value to all players in the chain (waste producers and managers and users of energy and fertilisers), integrating them into a collaborative management model. Specifically, it helps improve the competitiveness of composters and waste managers, enabling them to grow, adapt to new regulations and increase their management capacity both in terms of volume and types of waste managed.
The benefits of renewable gas generation include:
- Offering a decarbonised solution to gas consumers (whether for industrial, domestic or automotive use), allowing them to replace the consumption of fossil gas with the consumption of a decarbonised renewable gas while reducing their costs for the payment of emisión allowances.
- Improving organic waste treatment costs and ensuring traceability for waste producers (agricultural, livestock, agro-industrial).
- Enabling municipalities to mitigate the negative impact of slurry, reduce waste odours and improve their management costs for the organic waste container.
- Value-added to the Administration by providing state-of-the-art solutions adapted to the targets of the European Union.
- Value-added to farmers, who will be able to dispose of larger volumes of organic fertiliser amendments.
- Value-added to society, especially in rural areas, by generating models focused on a circular economy, which create employment and boost local economic growth, in turn reducing the environmental impact of waste management.
- Value-added to farmers by enabling them to increase their livestock capacity by reducing the environmental impact of slurry and treatment costs.
- Generating skilled jobs (direct and indirect) in the rural world.